The Slender Man is a paranormal figure purported to have been in existence for centuries, covering a large geographic area. Slender man tie his appearances in with many others legends around the world (Scotland, Germany ...)
The Slender Man is a being male who looks like a man with extremely long, slender arms and legs. He also appears to have 4 to 8 long, black tentacles that protrude from his back. He is wearing a black suit strikingly, and as the name suggests, appears very thin and able to stretch his limbs and torsso to inhuman lengths.
Once his arms are outstretched, his victims are put into something of a hypnotized state. Slender Man is rooted in the overall aura of mystery that he is wrapped in. Despite the fact that it is rumored he kills children almost exclusively. Often times it is either reported that he can found in sections of woods, and these generally tend to be suburban.
One different of historical reference is Brazilian Cave Pintings and other different is Egyptian Hierologlyphs.
domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013
domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013
In this photo we can see a park
In this photo we can see a small library
In this photo we can see a school
In this photo we can see a cementery
In this photo we can see a pharmacy
In this photo we can see a church
area zone área
avenue boulevard avenida
bakery boulangerie panadería
bookstore librairie librería
bridge pont puente
building bâtiment edificio
building site chantier zonas de obras
busy occupé ocupado
butcher's bouchers carniceros
cake shop pâtisserie pastelería
castle château castillo
cementery cimetière cementerio
centre centre centro
church église iglesia
city ville ciudad
city/town hall mairie ciudad/ayuntamiento
clothing store magasin de vêtements tienda de ropa
coffee shop café cafetería
corner coin esquina
drugstore pharmacie farmacia
fire station caserne de pompier parque de bomberos
fire station caserne de pompier parque de bomberos
fishmonger's poissonniers pescaderos
fountain source fuente
furniture store magasin de meubles tienda de mueble
gas/petrol station station de service gasolinera
furniture store magasin de meubles tienda de mueble
gas/petrol station station de service gasolinera
graffiti graffiti grafiti
greengrocer's fruiteries fruterías
hairdresser's coiffeurs peluqueros
highschool lycée instituto
hospital hôpital hospital
inhabitant habitant habitante
ironmonger's/ quincaillers/ ferretero/
hardware shop quincaillerie ferretería
hardware shop quincaillerie ferretería
jeweller's/ bijoutiers joyeros
jewellery store bijouterie joyería
kerb bord bordillo
kiosk kiosque quiosco
lamppost/ réverbère farola
street light lampadaire farola
lane voie carril
library bibliothèque biblioteca
market marché mercado
music store magasin de musique tienda de música
neighbour voisin vecino
neighbourhood quartier barrio
neighbourhood quartier barrio
newsstand kiosque à journaux puesto de revistas
park parc parque
pavement acera/ trottoir/ acera/
sidewalk acera trottoir acera
pet shop animalerie tienda de animales
pharmacy pharmacie farmacia
police station commissariat comisaría
residential résidentiel residencial
road route carretera
school école colegio
shoe shop magasin de chaussures zapatería
shop/store boutique/magasin tienda/tienda
shopping centre/ centre commercial centro comercial
shopping centre/ centre commercial centro comercial
mall centre commercial centro comercial
side street côté de la rue calle lateral
slums quartier pouvre barrio pobre
square carré plaza
stationery papeterie papelería
statue statue estatua
street rue calle
suburb banlieue barrio
supermarket supermarché supermercado
the high street/ rue principale/ avenida principal/
main street rue principale avenida principal
toy store magasin de jouets juguetería
traffic trafic tráfico
traffic lights feux de signalisation semáforo
travel agency agence de voyages agencia de viajes
village village pueblo
lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013
Le parc
Le omnisport
Le magasin
L'arret d'autobus
La pharmacie
Le médecin
Le restaurant
Le cimetière
un petit bibliothèque
Quand nous sommes
entrés Olías, nous avons trouvé un arrêt de bus. Nous avons continué droit et
nous sommes arrivés chez le médecin. Le médecin est à côté d'un restaurant qui
s'appelle "Bar juan". Nous sommes descendus au-dessous de l'arrêt de
bus et nous avons trouvé un cimetière. Nous sommes descendus et il y a une
pharmacie, si nous sommes descendus, nous avons trouvé une petite bibliothèque.
Quand nous sommes descendus, nous avons regardé l'église. Après l'église, nous
avons trouvé ma maison. À côté de ma maison il y a un omnisport, l'école et le parc. Finalement, nous sommes descendus et nous avons trouvé la boutique.
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